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Cox, E. and P. Dannahy (2005).
"The value of openness in e-relationships: using Nonviolent Communication to guide online coaching and mentoring." International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 3(1): 39-51.
Elizabeth Marlow, Adeline Nyamathi, William T. Grajeda, Newt Bailey, Amanda Weber, and Jerry Younger (2012)
Nonviolent Communication Training and Empathy in Male Parolees Journal Correctional Health Care January 2012 18: 8-19, first published on November 17, 2011


Jones, Suzanne (2009)
Traditional Education or Partnership Education: Which Educational Approach Might Best Prepare Students for the Future? MA Thesis, Communication, San Diego, California. USA. San Diego University: 203.
Little, Marion (2008)
Total Honesty/Total Heart: Fostering empathy development and conflict resolution skills. A violence prevention strategy. MA Thesis, Dispute Resolution, Victoria, B.C. Canada. University of Victoria: 286.
Nash, A.L. (2007)
Case Study of Tekoa Institute: Illustration of Nonviolent Communication Training’s Effect on Conflict Resolution.
MS Sociology. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia: 40
Hulley, W. C. (2006).
Mindful Counseling: Nonviolent Communication as a Mahayana Skillful Means. Department of Religious Studies. Boulder, Colorado, USA, Naropa University. Master of Divinity: 78.
Jones, R. (2005).
Understandingthe nature of empathy: A personal perspective. Counseling and Psychotherapy. MA Thesis,Counseling and Psychotherapy, London, University of East London: 64.
Beck, S. R. (2005).
Developing Nonviolent Communication: An Integral Approach, MA Thesis, Dept. of Educational Psychology and Leadership Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: 105 pages.
Blake, S. M. (2002).
A Step Toward Violence Prevention: Non-Violent Communication as Part of a College Curriculum. MA Thesis, Department of Communication. Boca Raton, Florida, Florida Atlantic University: 122.
Steckal, D. S. (1994).
Compassionate Communication and Levels of participant Empathy and Self-compassion. PhD Thesis, United States International University Library. San Diego, CA.
Jane Branscomb ( 2011)
A Collaborative Communication workshop was evaluated for effectiveness in furthering targeted skills, intentions, behaviors and outcomes. Based on Nonviolent Communicationsm (NVC), the workshop seeks to enhance wellbeing by fostering intra- and interpersonal relationships of compassion, connection, collaboration and caring. Evidence indicates that success could also help reduce the burden of depression, suicide, violence, and other concerns.
Lissa Young (2011). PhD Thesis, Clinical Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston
The Expression of Nonviolence in Communication and its Relation to Physical and Mental Health: Development and Validation of a Coding System for Measuring the Expression of Nonviolence in Communication between Intimate Partners in Conflict Situations: This pilot study was the second part of a program of research designed to address a dearth of literature on nonviolence in communication and the lack of a valid measure of the expression of nonviolence in communication. This study used qualitative responses to a single scenario portraying a conflict situation between intimate partners to develop a coding scheme to measure the expression of nonviolence in communication.

Course Essay

Danielsen, G. (2005).
Meeting Human Needs, Preventing Violence: Applying Human Needs Theory to the Conflict in Sri Lanka. Course Essay, Buenos Aires, Universidad del Salvador: 21.
ALL references to this paper should be referred to G. Danielsen (gertico@yahoo.no) beforehand, since some quotations in the paper have not yet been authorized by the person quoted.


Steckal, D. S. (1994).
Self-Other Empathy Survey.
Nada Ignjatovic Savic (1996)
MUTUAL EDUCATION: GIRAFFE LANGUAGE IN KINDERGARTENS AND SCHOOLS. The report on the realisation of the Project October 1995 - June 1996 In the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Institute of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy Belgrade University
Donna Riemer (2009)
Title: Creating Sanctuary: "Reducing Violence in a Maximum Security Forensic Psychiatric Hospital Unit" In IAFN "On The Edge" Spring 2009.
Riemer, D. and Corwith, C. (2007)
Application of core strategies: reducing seclusion & restraint use. On The Edge. The official news letter of the International Association of Forensic Nurses. Volume 13. Number 3, 7-10. Fall 2007

Altmann, Tobias
Evaluation der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation in Quer- und Längsschnittdaten, Universität Leipzig, August 2010 (PDF, 2,25 MB)
Muth, Cornelia (Hrsg.): Dann kann man das ja auch mal so lösen! — Auswertungsinterviews mit Kindern und Jugendlichen nach Trainings zur Gewaltfreien Kommunikation, ISBN 978-3-8382-0120-7, 140 S., Paperback, 24,90 EUR

Molly Burleson, Monique Martin, Rashunda Lewis
Assessing the Impact of Nonviolent Communication: An Outcome Evaluation (PDF, 1.5 MB)
In 2009, Mark Feinknopf and Cynthia Moe of Sacred Space Inc, were yearning for data that would quantify the profound and transformative possibility that Nonviolent Communication consciousness can provide in peoples’ lives and in 2012 Faye Landey and Jeff Joslin joined the Atlanta EVAL Team. They collaborated with a student team from Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health to begin building such data. That effort laid the groundwork for an actual science-based study. During early 2010 the four wrote a six-hour NVC basics course called Collaborative Communication. Eight Certified Trainers delivered this course to 108 participants. 2011’s efforts were focused on more qualitative-focused data collection in companionship with Emory students Rashunda Lewis, Monique Martin, and Molly Burleson. Responses were gathered from 80 participants via electronic survey and from 9 who gathered in a focus group. The results of this study verified that Nonviolent Communication can and does enhance the ability to Work together and live together with more vitality and harmony, handle conflict, and respond to others with more interest and understanding
Vilma Costetti
Nonviolent Communication Experimental Project in Primary Schools (PDF 143K)
The purpose of this work is to introduce and discuss the results of an international project which has taken place, among many others, in three schools near Reggio Emilia, Italy. The experiment has involved schools in Italy, Serbia, the Palestinian Authority and Israel; the aim was to improve the relationships among individuals within the schools, through the application of the Nonviolent Communication Model created by Professor Marshall B. Rosenberg. This work will not explore the international context of the project, rather it will try to determine whether the application (teaching and learning) of the Nonviolent Communication Model has actually modified and improved communication patterns within the Italian schools and if so, to what extent.

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